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Get 10% off your first purchase

Fill out the form below to enjoy a 10% discount on your first Tessier purchase. From greenhouses to caterpillar tunnels and parts, Tessier is your ultimate destination for all your cultivation season essentials.

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Tessier and Gardener Market Institute

Get 10% off your first purchase

To unlock a 10% savings on your first purchase of $1000 or more with Tessier, please provide the required details.
Free shipping in northeastern regions of the United States (Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont) and Ontario and Maritime Provinces

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Find out more about our caterpillar tunnels

Explore the features of our classic and gothic caterpillar tunnels. Furthermore, delve into the benefits and advantages these tunnels offer to your crops and how they can extend your growing season. Don't hesitate to place your order today!